Proximity & Solidarity

“As a community rooted in proximity to and solidarity with those living in poverty, those in pain and those bearing the brunt of inequality, we join the work that God is doing in the world, being nourished by the Holy Spirit and following the example of how Jesus lived and what he taught.”

These words appear in The Warehouse’s strategic framework as one of the core aspects of our identity.

We do our best to be guided by this value in all of our work and priorities, and the current moment is no exception. We take Jesus at his word when he describes his mission (and therefore ours as the Church) as being good news to the poor. This newsletter seeks to help our theology, our worldview and our action be formed and informed by solidarity with the most vulnerable and marginalised in our society – in general, and more specifically during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. It contains the following content:

– A thought piece by Craig Stewart exploring the wisdom that 2 Kings 7 can offer to us in considering our response to the COVID-19 pandemic
– A thought piece by Caroline Powell, advocating for church buildings to be sites of care for the COVID-19 response
– Guidelines on how to set up or get involved in local responses via Local Ecumenical Action Networks (LEANs), as encouraged by the South African Council of Churches
– A way for churches wishing to offer their sites and resources as Care Centres for the COVID-19 response to register and receive resources

We hope that this newsletter serves you in your work of being the Church in this time.

With much love and prayer,
The Warehouse team

Read the rest of the newsletter here