What’s Jesus got to do with Justice?
We are a community committed to following Jesus Christ and living out his teachings under the leading and guidance of the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit. Our work is first and foremost an expression of this commitment.
The above quote is the first of six “identity statements” in The Warehouse’s strategic framework. We chose the words and the position of this identity statement with care as, in a world prone to polarisation, we wanted to be unequivocal in explaining in Whom we are rooted and from Whom all our vision, passion and actions are birthed.
In a newsletter which focuses on issues such as spatial justice, economic equity, food justice, churches ministering in lower-economically resourced areas and the systemic perpetuation of vulnerability, we thought it would be a helpful exercise once again to connect the dots between our love for Jesus and why these issues are central in our proclamation and demonstration of that love.
For perhaps the first time, our editorial comes to you in the form of a video in which René August explores the question “What’s Jesus got to do with Justice?”. This was filmed at the first Justice Conference in South Africa in 2017.