
Warehouse update posts

Going Together: Sustaining Transformation for the next 100 Years

Dear friends Those of you who have been journeying with us over the past year or so will be familiar with the invitation that has become a core pillar for us as we seek to align ourselves to the Spirit’s movements in the world: “Go far, go slow, go together”.  Over the past few months, […]

Going Together: Sustaining Transformation for the next 100 Years Read More »

Living with an Advent Ache: Incarnation and Solidarity in the Holy Land

*with acknowledgments to Kelley Nikondeha for this phrase from her highly recommended book “The First Advent in Palestine: Reversals, Resistance, and the Ongoing Complexity of Hope“ Dear friends As many of you have read in our past newsletters, The Warehouse staff is committed to rhythms, practises and processes of Corporate Listening and Discernment (or CLAD for short).

Living with an Advent Ache: Incarnation and Solidarity in the Holy Land Read More »

Going Slow: Sustaining Transformation for the next 100 years

“Hope is the power to keep focusing on the larger vision while taking the small, often undramatic, steps toward that future.” – Mitri Raheb*  Dear friends, Over these past two years as we at The Warehouse – with our wider community of friends – have remained committed to being a listening and discerning community, we have sensed and leant into

Going Slow: Sustaining Transformation for the next 100 years Read More »

Going Far: Sustaining Transformation for the next 100 years

“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” – Proverb from the First Nations people of Turtle Island Dear friends, Anything worth building must be done with the intention to outlast its builder. These are the conditions of sustainable transformation.  This year, The Warehouse turned 21. We celebrated this

Going Far: Sustaining Transformation for the next 100 years Read More »